We are surrounded by many good things, but we also hear many things each day that just aren’t true. Today we’ll talk about four of these lies and how to identify them.
Do you know those road signs that say “Hidden Drive”? Funny story: When I was little, I thought they were saying that there was a secret road ahead. As hard as I tried, I never found one.
What can I say? I was a kid. Kids think of all kinds of quirky things.
But even though kids have the reputation of believing the fantastic, I don’t think they really grow out of it because there are a lot of things we believe as adults that just aren’t true.
Now some things don’t really matter that much, but some things do. They shape how and what we think about the big things like God, family, and our place in the world.
Like what, you say? Well, I’m getting to that, but first I want to explore how to identify a lie.
The trick sometimes in finding a lie is knowing what the truth is. At the risk of sounding redundant, because I know I’ve said this many times, the only way to gauge whether we’re on the right path is to use the only compass we have: the Bible.
If something contradicts Scripture, then it’s wrong. Plain and simple.
Now that we know what to look for, let’s dive in.

Lies I No Longer Accept
Didn’t find a job in the field you studied? The world says you failed.
Didn’t become the lawyer you always said you wanted to be? The world says you failed.
God has a different take on it. I think about all the things I’ve planned over my life, and I’m so thankful God had different ideas. You see, God’s plan is so much better than anything we can imagine.
Now I don’t think this means we shouldn’t plan. Waiting on God doesn’t necessarily mean we shrug and say, “He hasn’t done anything yet.”
Part of my trusting God is working toward His will for my life, but sometimes I can’t see His will clearly. So I have to be ready to change my plans to meet His as He shows me more and more.
So instead of feeling like a failure when things don’t go as planned, I’m going to pray for discernment and guidance and subject my plans to God’s, always thankful He loves me and wants the best for me enough to wreck them.

What was your history teacher’s response when you asked why you needed to take his class? I’m guessing yours was the same as mine: those who don’t know the past, repeat it (George Santayana).
I’ve gone all this time believing that. I’ve even said it myself.
Now I’m not so sure it’s true. At least, I think part of it’s true, but a lie is a lie even if only part of it is a lie.
It’s true we, as a whole, will repeat history, but is there anything we can do to really stop it?
I say repeating history has less to do with the knowledge of it and more to do with knowledge of God and, more importantly, love of God.
Because when we subject ourselves to His will, we’re not just following the new, old way of living. We can know at least we’re not repeating the negative.

Never, in a million years, would I go back to relive my high school and college days.
Those were not my best days.
I shudder when I think of all the time spent trying to grow up: feeling alone in my awkwardness and being afraid someone would see it and not want me. Never ever would I choose to go back to all that.
I’m looking ahead because, for those who love Jesus, our best days are not behind us. In fact, nothing on this earth can compare to our best days.

I heard the old saying the other day “a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.” I definitely see the logic in it, but I see something else, too.
I see our tendency to rely on what we see rather than on what is actually there.
Our eyes can deceive us. They can’t possibly pick up all there is, and to only trust what they show us is like walking through a fog and ignoring the “crazy talk” of others who say there’s a canyon ahead.
We can’t see the wind, but it’s there. We haven’t seen God, but He’s here.
Besides, we miss God’s best when we hold too tightly to what we see.

There are many more lies than these four, but I don’t want to call out everything. This would be one long post if I did, and that’s not the point.
The point is to learn to identify the lies around us—to turn to God to tell us what’s true and what isn’t instead of relying on our frail intellects and feelings.
We’ll be happier, stronger in our faith, and a brighter light to those around us.
*** This post was revised from the archives. Check out the original here. ***
More reading
- 6 Crucial Truths I’d Love to Have Known Sooner from HISsparrowBlog
- 7 Simple Tips for a Healthy Body Image from HISsparrowBlog
- 7 Practical Areas of Christian Stewardship from HISsparrowBlog

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
Good thoughts, Ashley. The Bible truly is our only compass.
I’ve really had to deal with myself concerning the first one. If something came up which caused my plans to go haywire, I felt guilty for not doing what I planned to that day. I have to remind myself that God is in charge of the interruptions. Then on a larger scale, I majored in Home Ec. Ed., but by my senior year I definitely did *not* want to teach Home Ec. to high-schoolers. People sometimes said, “So you didn’t use your major?” I think God used it, but not in the way originally intended. But for years I felt like I wasted my time and money on college because I didn’t follow my original plans.
Re “These are your best days”—how can anybody know what their best days were til they get to the end of them and look back?
There are so many things Christians say thoughtlessly, though they mean well. Some that bug me: “God doesn’t give us any more than we can handle.” Of course He does! But not more than He can handle. “God doesn’t do anything except in answer to prayer.” We’d be in big trouble if that were true. “A coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” God is constantly working to get people’s attention and make Himself known. He’s not trying to remain anonymous.
As you said–we could go on and on. But we need the reminder to check what we hear and what we say against Scripture.
I have a similar story in that I’m not directly using my major. Sometimes it really bothers me, but other times I remember that I didn’t know what I know now. And my education has still helped me in so many ways. I love the myths you mentioned—especially the one about conindidences. I’d not heard that one, but I love your response to it. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Barbara!
Powerful message!!!
Thank you for reading, Susan!
Wise thoughts, Ashley. We do need to identify the lies as they are most insidious. Your first thought resonated with me. Life has surely taken me places I never had planned, but were His plans. I am grateful for through those very places, He made Himself known to me in ways I would not have experienced otherwise. We need to align ourselves with the truth of Scripture in every way, and increasing measure.
That one has been a big one for me, too, Joanne. It’s been amazing to look back and see how things were coming together, and I was being prepared, in ways I couldn’t see at the time. And it often gives me hope and makes me wonder what is coming that I can’t see now. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! God bless!