Signs of a Critical Spirit {and Tips to Combat It}
Are you struggling with a critical spirit? Are you not sure? Today we'll talk about many signs of a critical spirit along with a few things we can do to limit it.
Are you struggling with a critical spirit? Are you not sure? Today we'll talk about many signs of a critical spirit along with a few things we can do to limit it.
Criticism can be difficult to handle for many of us. Today we'll talk about a few reminders to help us receive it well next time.
It's great when we're on fire in our faith, but few of us never experience times when we feel we're going through the motions. Today we'll talk about this and a few reminders for keeping the faith.
Life can feel dark when we're experiencing trials, but today we'll talk about a few thoughts on how to grow and mature despite the hard times.
We are surrounded by many good things, but we also hear many things each day that just aren't true. Today we'll talk about four of these lies and how to identify them.
Dealing with difficult people can be hard. Today we'll talk about a few things I've learned.
Did you know there is a difference between encouragement and flattery? Today we'll talk about what that difference is and why it matters.
Many of us wish we could undo past mistakes. We look back and wish we'd known then what we know now. Today we'll talk about six things I wish I'd known sooner.
Do you ever feel unseen or underappreciated? We’ll talk about a few lesser-known women in the Bible and what they can teach us about that today.
The shoulds block each of us at one time or another. It can be frustrating when they come around again, but there are ways to combat them. We’ll talk about several tips today to stop shoulding ourselves and others.