Fear is a universal burden, yet we are usually not good at coping with it. Today we’ll talk about six reminders to help us cast out our fear and live strong.
What is the number one thing holding you back? If you read my excerpt or the title of this post, then you probably already know the answer I’m looking for, but I’m guessing your answer might be the same as my own anyway.
Nothing in my life has hindered my progress more than fear: Fear of failure. Fear of letting others down. Of loss. Of image. Change. Being judged. The unknown. So many things in my life circle back to this.
You’d think I’d have this old foe conquered by now. After all, it’s been with me all my life.

But this is one of those things that comes and goes—up and down. Learn and relearn.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but when I was a child, struggling with figuring out the world and my place in it, I looked forward to the time when I would be grown. Everyone around me seemed to know so much more than I did.
Fast forward to adulthood, and I now know that experience and years are certainly an asset, but we’re all basically learning as we go. Some of us are just better at covering our insecurities than others.
Unfortunately, I’ve learned there is no time when we can sit back with no transitions. Wow. Transitions were hard as adolescents, and adulthood doesn’t have as many, but they’re there.
And it seems that each one requires its own relearning. Fear tempts me to hold back. It whispers that I’ve learned everything I need, and I’m too old to be starting out here. It tells me that others would be so much better in my place.
Fear, or maybe I should say Satan, likes to pick where it hurts. He knows I have fears of not being good enough. No matter what strengths I have, there’s always someone who seems better. There is always someone who won’t like what I do or say.
That’s exactly what Satan is doing. He’s trying to blackmail us with our fears. Limiting our potential because we’re too afraid to step out.
Here goes. I’m not good enough.
But I know Who is.

What I Have to Offer
While I’m on the topic, we can do all things through Christ. He gives us the strength we need.
That strength also comes in the form of gifts, abilities, and talents. He’s seen fit to give each of us a unique blend of these. No one else can answer the call God’s placed on my life but me. No one can meet your call but you.
So when we find ourselves in the comparison game, I say we stop. List off several personal strengths and thank God for each one. Then give the other person a compliment—whether it’s in person, a comment on a blog, or in our minds if we aren’t near the other person. It’s amazing how complimenting another can redirect the mind from itself.
Scripture Reminders to Cast Out Fear
#1 – Be strong and courageous for the Lord is with you.

#2 – There’s no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 1 John 4:18 NASB

#3 – You have not received a spirit of fear but of adoption.

#4 – There’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

#5 – You’re a new creature in Christ.

#6 – Not one sparrow is forgotten by God, and you’re more valuable than many sparrows.

If you’re reading this, and you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Savior, this post doesn’t apply to you. Yet.
God’s promises are for those who have accepted the Son He sent to die for our sins.
Be encouraged, though. He’s so ready to accept you as His child. He’s willing if you are.
Please, please check out my page Weary Sparrow for more.
- Fear’s Worst Fear: 9 Verses for the Fight from HISsparrowBlog
- 3 Simple Truths for When You Feel Like a Failure from HISsparrowBlog
- Reminders: When the Insecurities Attack from HISsparrowBlog
*** This post was revised from the archives. Check out the original (Casting Off Fear) here. ***

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
I’m not sure why some issues seem to be dealt with and conquered, but others are lifelong struggles. I have battled fear and anxiety all my life, and these verses have been a help to me as well. Especially Isaiah 41:10.
I like the idea of seeking to compliment another person’s gifts rather than comparing, even if we’re not in contact with the person to tell them.
And I love the caveat and invitation at the end.
Yes, some issues do tend to be life-long struggles, but you’ve reminded me that some are not. Sometimes it can seem like all I do is go round and round. Thanks so much for commenting, Barbara!
Excellent word and I can totally relate. This particular word from Beth Moore has helped me tremendously with fear: https://youtu.be/RV8Ah6ak2bU?si=EC7li03BTQiloe9g. The evil one is not creative. He keeps using the same tactics over and over as you stated, so we must continue to fight. Thank you!
Interesting point, Susan, that Satan isn’t creative. He does attack us with the same issues over and over. Thanks so much for sharing Beth Moore’s video and commenting. Blessings to you!
“Learn and relearn.” This has been my journey with fear too. I do see progress over the years, though, so I am thankful for that. But it remains a nemesis. Hope you’re doing well, Ashley!
So true, Lisa!
It seems there is plenty to fear in life. These are wonderful scriptures to renew our minds and instill courage when fear attacks.
Thank you, Debbie, for stopping in!
It’s funny how fear can raise its ugly head in our lives, even when we think we have dealt with it. It somehow manages to resurrect old memories or circumstances which cause our emotions to swell. I am so grateful the Lord is with us and we are valuable to Him. I take comfort in the promises of His protection.
That’s a wonderful thought to keep in mind, Joanne! Thank you for commenting!
Ashley, I appreciate these verses today. Such a beautiful message.
Visiting today from Joanne’s
Thank you for stopping by, Paula!
Ashley, you really spoke to me here. Your words so resonated within my heart today.
Visiting today from Joanne’s