Even as Christians, we can have false assumptions of God and, therefore, ourselves. Today we’ll talk about who we are to God the Father and why it matters.

A mother’s precious love. A husband’s unconditional love. I’m no stranger to love thanks to the family and friends in my life. They’ve shown up for me in countless ways.
Still, there have been times when I felt unloved—like I wasn’t good enough, that with one wrong move, I would lose. Why? My humanness, I think.
Relationships are important for us, but we were made for more. Almighty God made us for Himself, so there’s an aching need in each of us for relationship with Him that nothing and no one on this planet can replace.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord when I was eight years old, but much of that time I’ve had a warped view of God. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but to me, God the Father was someone to fear, someone to please so I wouldn’t “get into trouble.” I knew Jesus died for me, and He’s the one to whom I related. As a result, I had a warped view of myself in God, too.
I don’t know when it happened, but eventually I began to see the flaw in my thinking. I began to see ways in which God—and especially God the Father—loved me. Just as I am.
Who I Am to God the Father
There is so much we can learn about God through His names and attributes. Learning about God in this way has been instrumental for me in cementing the knowledge and assurance that God is trustworthy—and more, because that is only one of his praiseworthy attributes.
And because I can trust God, I can trust what He says about me—about us as His children. And He has a lot to say.
I’ve compiled a list of just a few verses below that tell us who we are in Christ. I hope you’ll let each one sink in and remind you of the supernatural love we have in God.
#1 – Known

#2 – Valuable

#3 – Redeemed

#4 – Chosen

#5 – New

#6 – Never Alone

#7 – Loved

#8 – Strong

#9 – Remembered Always

#10 – work-in-progress

#11 – Daughter

Why It Matters
The question “Why?” is an important one. And I don’t think God necessarily wants us to stop asking it. The simple, one-word question can help us to think about things, so that we can apply them consistently and purposefully in our lives.
In our culture, it can be easy to lean toward the trap of believing that we are innately good and that what makes us happy is all we should seek. This is not that. As Christians, too often we are completely aware of the filthy rags side of being human and struggle with understanding who we are now that we are clothed in the blood of Jesus. Through Him, we are so loved.
Understanding this simple truth is important so we can live out our purposes with passionate boldness. And beyond that—beyond ourselves—so we can understand that God sees our neighbor in the same way.
God the Father can seem like the stern father who is only interested in correcting our behavior. But God is so much more than that. One of the best ways I’ve found to correct my thinking is by learning about the names and attributes of God. By learning more about Him—and what He says about us—we can understand our eternal place with Him and who we are to Him.
If you’ve never accepted Jesus as Lord, you can right now, and these promises will also apply to you. Take a look at my page Weary Sparrow for more information.
In what ways have you noticed God showing you His love? What verses remind you of this? Be sure to share in the comments below.
More reading…
- 60+ Names and Attributes of GOD & JESUS from HISsparrowBlog
- 20ish MORE Names & Attributes of God from HISsparrowBlog
- Called By Name: Who I Am in Christ from HISsparrowBlog
*** This post was revised from the archives. You can check out the original here. ***

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
I don’t know if I have ever done a study like that. Just reading this helps me feel so loved by Him. I had a similar view of God in my early years, mainly because that’s how my father was. It took a long time to get hold of the idea of His grace.
It always make me loved, too, Barbara! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Yes, you are all of these things, sweet friend! I’m grateful to have witnessed your tender, kind spirit through our time in the writing circle together.
I’m grateful to have met you, too, Lisa! I’m hoping one day you’ll return. 😉 Thank you so much for the kind words!
I have been pondering our identity in Christ, Ashley, and you have presented these powerful truths in a lovely way. Thank you for this delightful feast!
Thank you for commenting, Lisa!
The Fatherhood of God is such a powerful, comforting concept, isn’t it? I’m glad you were able to understand it better by studying God’s attributes (also one of my favorite things to notice in scripture). I love the verses you shared. As an adoptive mom, that last one really touches my heart.
Oh, yes. That’s a beautiful way to model God’s love and adoption of us, Lisa! Thank you so much for commenting!
Ashley, I’m so happy to have read this today. I love “who we are to HIM”. Your words have me pausing to reflect on His love for us.
Visiting today from Joanne’s
I’m so glad you were encouraged, Paula! Thanks so much for stopping by!
We can never hear too much about God’s reassuring love and unflagging commitment to our good!
So true, Michele! Thank you for commenting!
Thank you, Ashley, for this beautiful post. Coming from past abuse in my family, I have always struggled in my relationship with God as Father. Your words bring great encouragement, especially #2 for me.
Our earthly dads can either help or hinder our view of God the Father unfortunately. I’m so sorry you’ve suffered the latter. And yes, you are valuable! Thank you so much for commenting!
I remember the first time I was given Luke 12:6-7 as pertaining to me. It struck so deeply and I have never forgotten the woman who sent it to me in a card. It was so eye opening. This was both encouraging and comforting to read this morning.
Yes, those verses have been significant for me so much I founded this blog on them. I’m so glad you were encouraged, Joanne. Thanks so much for stopping by!