A mother’s precious love. A husband’s unconditional love. I’m no stranger to love thanks to the family and friends in my life. They’ve shown up for me in countless ways.
Still there have been times when I felt unloved – like I wasn’t good enough, that with one wrong move, I would lose. Why? My humanness I think.
Relationships are important for us, but we were made for more. Almighty God made us for Himself, so there’s an aching need in each of us for relationship with Him that nothing and no one on this planet can fill it.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord when I was eight years old, but much of that time I’ve had a warped view of God. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but to me God the Father was someone to fear, someone to please so I wouldn’t “get in trouble.” I knew Jesus died for me, and He’s the one to whom I related. As a result, I had a warped view of myself in God.
I don’t know when it happened, but eventually I began to see the flaw in my thinking. I began to see ways in which God – and especially God the Father – loved me. Just as I am. None of it is based on what I do. I can’t make Him not love me.

He’ll show you, too. If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior, you can know you are loved beyond comprehension. I’ve compiled a list of verses below that tell us who we are in Christ (in graphic form so you can save to Pinterest for a reminder). I hope you’ll let each one sink in.

Now I’m excited to show you this music video by Jordan Feliz. When I found it, I knew it was perfect for this post. Enjoy.
If you’ve never accepted Jesus as Lord, you can right now, and these promises will also apply to you. Take a look at my Weary Sparrow page to see another awesome music video.
I hope you enjoyed my second post in honor of Valentine’s Day. Feel free to share any verses that make you feel loved in the comments below.
And for more on the subject…
- 3 Simple Truths for When You Feel Like a Failure from HISsparrowBlog
- 5 Insidious Lies I Won’t Believe Anymore from HISsparrowBlog

Another awesome inspired post! You definitely are loved beyond all measure!
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