3 Things I’ve Learned Blogging
I'm so happy to announce the winner of the Blogiversary Give-Away. Congratulations, Gena! I'm so glad for you and for the opportunity to thank you for all your support along…
I'm so happy to announce the winner of the Blogiversary Give-Away. Congratulations, Gena! I'm so glad for you and for the opportunity to thank you for all your support along…
I'm back! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday; I sure did. It was busy in a good way. Can you believe this is HISsparrowBlog's second anniversary? I can't.…
I love this time of year: Christmas lights, get-togethers, hot chocolate. My appreciation has grown as I've gotten older, though. Like most children, I was enamored with all the presents.…
Personality is so interesting to me. Why do people do what they do? This interest has helped me a lot in relationships: The first year Randy and I were married…
I had given up posting an article this week. I must have started four or five different topics only to write a few paragraphs and hit delete. Nothing was working.…
Do you have specific memories from your past? You know, where you remember the time, the place, the feeling or thoughts of the moment like it was two days ago?…
Nothing in my upbringing or education taught me how to deal with a difficult person (AKA narcissistic or toxic)—the kind of person you'd have to meet in person to really…
Imagine you're trapped. A world of drugs, sex, exploitation, violence, degradation, long labor-filled days, and despair is your reality. You crave freedom, but you don't see a way out. What's…
This week's post has given me fits. Sometimes that happens. I'll have my content plan worked out (mostly), but when it comes to writing it ... chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp. I've learned…
An article in the InTouch Magazine by John Blase recently got me thinking. Blase said the abundant life mentioned in John 10 makes many of us think of a "life…