To New Beginnings This New Year
The new year can be a wonderful opportunity to begin afresh. Today we’ll talk about making the most of this year’s new beginnings.
The new year can be a wonderful opportunity to begin afresh. Today we’ll talk about making the most of this year’s new beginnings.
When fellow Christians fall, we can have many questions. Today we’ll talk about those and what we should remember the next time a fellow Christian falls.
We all have difficult seasons, but we also have hope in the death of Christ. In this post are several encouraging verses to remind us of the faithfulness of God.
We’re all waiting for something. Today we’ll talk about what we can learn about faith when God’s answer is no.
Are you the type of person who’s always gotten along well with others? Me, too. But I’ve realized that’s because I’m a people-pleaser. Today we’ll talk about what’s wrong with that plus a few things the people-pleaser should remember.
Most of us reach a point in our lives when we wish we could go back to the good old days. But were they even good? Today we’ll talk about that.
Suicide can be a difficult topic. Unfortunately, many of us have probably had some sort of experience with it. Today I'd like to talk about a couple of things I wish I had done differently when I struggled with my own suicidal thoughts, as well as, give you a list of reminders I would tell my younger self I could—in case you're struggling now.
It’s no wonder so many of us are afraid of aging. Wrinkles, hair loss, declining physical/mental health, chronic pain, declining energy, dental problems, and doctor appointments are just some of…
Winter can seem unending some years, but spring always comes—and brings beauty and life with it. Here are some scripture reminders of hope for this spring.
How do you know when you’ve found the one? Many of us make lists, so we’ll spot Mr. Right, but is that really a good practice for something so important? Today we’ll talk about how to know if he’s a catch and how to know if he’s the one.