This week’s post has given me fits. Sometimes that happens. I’ll have my content plan worked out (mostly), but when it comes to writing it … chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp. I’ve learned this usually means I should move on to something else.
I’ve wanted to incorporate some different topics on HISsparrowBlog; there’s so much more I want to talk about. I want to hit on the real stuff, but sometimes I don’t want a whole structured post—at least not in the typical way. Sometimes I just want to ramble, which is what I’m going to call these posts.
I’ve had so many doubts about it, though. Do I know enough? Do I have enough to say? Will anyone understand? But enough of that.
It’s time to go for it.

I attended a webinar by Jerry Jenkins recently. Remember, he’s the author behind the Left Behind series. The webinar was on writing novels, so some of it isn’t relevant here, but what really stood out for me was what he said about fear.
I tend to think I’m the only one with this debilitating fear, but to hear a famous author talk about it first in his advice for novelists makes me think I’m not alone.
Jenkins said he uses his fear by turning it into motivation. He acknowledges that his fear is valid and allows it to humble him, but then he starts putting words on the page.
I know I’ve talked about fear before. As you can tell, it’s something I struggle with… a lot. And I’m finding that I’m not the only one. We all have our fears, and Jenkins’s advice applies to all areas, not just writing.
So what area are you allowing fear to demobilize you? Use that fear, soldier, and go for it! Feel free to share in the comments what you’re “going for.”