Come to Me, weary sparrow. I’ll give you rest …
Our stories begin before we’re born. You may have grown up hearing your parents tell stories from their childhoods. How your dad got into trouble with firecrackers. Maybe how your parents met and fell in love. Or didn’t love each other at all. Instead, you never knew your dad and your mother abandoned you. These things shape us—good or bad.
What if I told you that your story started long before even your parents or grandparents were even alive? Your story started at the beginning of time. When mankind chose to disobey God. The consequence ever since has been a broken relationship with Almighty God. It’s echoed throughout history to you and me.

I can feel it. It’s in the brokenness of war. The brokenness of famine. Of killing children. Families falling apart.
But I can feel hope, too, because God didn’t leave us alone. Even though we sinned and continue to sin, He restores our relationship. He sent His Son to die on a Roman cross for our sins. Then He rose after the third day, triumphing over death, and ensuring us a place with Him always. If we’ll just accept His open arms.
If you’re reading this and you’ve never accepted Jesus as Lord, He is calling to you. He wants to give you hope when you’re hurting and rest from your burdens.

Are you ready to let Him? Say a prayer like this one if you are:
Jesus, I’m tired. I need You in my life. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for dying for my sins and rising again. Thank You for accepting me as I am, and help me to serve You. Amen.
What’s next if I prayed that prayer?
Woohoo! Know there’s a party going on right now in your honor (Luke 15:10), and I’m right glad myself.
First things first, find a Bible—any translation you like—and READ IT. Every day. Even if you only read a chapter a night. The Bible is where you learn how God thinks. Study it. Live your life by it.
Find a church that preaches the Word (your Bible-reading will come handy here).
I would also encourage you to follow Jesus’ example and get baptized. You can ask your new church family to do the honor. I love what Dr. Charles Stanley said regarding baptism in his commentary for Romans 6:4:
…Having acknowledged that Jesus Christ is our Savior, we confess our sins and die to our old lives, we are buried with Him in baptism, and we are raised with Him to walk in the new lives He’s given us. It is a public testimony that beautifully demonstrates what has happened in our lives as a result of being born again.
Take it a day at a time. Your life will be different. No, it won’t be sunshine and roses from here on out, but you have the Peace Speaker—the Burden Lifter—with you.
And be sure to check out In Touch Ministries. You’ll find all kinds of resources there—sermons, podcasts, magazines… It’s awesome scripture-centered wonderfulness.
What’s next if I didn’t pray that prayer?
Jesus is still calling, and He’ll keep calling you until you die. He loves you so much.
Search for truth. You’ll find it if you earnestly seek it, and it will set you free.
I encourage you to read the book of John in the Bible (and the rest but start with John) and Lee Strobel’s A Case for Christ.