Growing up, I was a die-hard country music fan—Reba, George, Garth, Tim. No one could hold a candle to the 90s stars.
But alas, my taste has changed.
I began listening to Christian music in college along with some other genres. I switched from station to station for a long time.
But gradually Christian music drew me in, and other music held less appeal. In fact, it felt I couldn’t listen to anything mainstream that wasn’t talking about sex, drugs, drinking . . . Well, you get the idea.
Several years ago I decided to go all in and it’s made a huge difference in my life.

Why I Listen to Christian Music
#1 – Christian music makes me more mindful of Godly things in my day-to-day life.
Garbage in. Garbage out. I’m sure if you’ve ever had any kind of computer class, you’ve heard this term. It basically says a computer is going to spit out what was put in it.
We’re exactly the same. If we shovel “garbage” in—lyrics about sex, drugs, alcohol—our minds will be filled with the same.

#2 – Christian music emboldens me.
I need to hear about sharing Christ with others. About standing strong even when it’s hard. Hearing songs about God’s love, faithfulness, and who He is helps me do that.
As the Bible says, I love because He loved me first (1 John 4:19). My life is a love story; it’s a testimony of God’s love. Christian music is one of the ways God is giving me an understanding of His love for me.
#3 – Christian music provides positive role models.
Now, this we can sure use these days. Christian artists certainly aren’t perfect. They’re people just like us, but they’re trying to live their lives for Jesus, and that makes them great role models for us and our children.
#4 – Christian music provides support.
We’re going to face hard times. The awesome artists are right there too. They sing about real situations, feelings, and people, and it helps to remind me that I’m not alone.
Yep. Awesome. The music’s great. The artists are talented. And no, it’s not like the teacher thing. You know the old saying: those who can’t do, teach. I’ve rarely seen an artist live who didn’t sound the same or better than they did in the studio version.
Bands like Skillet have been asked by mainstream bands why they don’t go mainstream. After all, they could make more money. They’re answer: they want to use their God-given talents for God.
And this gets me to the really exciting part. I want to introduce you to some Christian artists and bands.
I’ve chosen live videos when possible, so you’ll get a better feel for the artists’ talent. I’m no music expert, but I’ve grouped them by genre as best I could. Enjoy!
Alternative Rock
If you’re like I was when I found this band, you’re probably asking yourself, “What in the world does that mean?” Veridia is a combination of words meaning “truth”—Latin’s veritas and the English equivalent veridical.
You can check out the band’s interview with JesusWired by clicking here. Truly, Deena (the lead singer) is exceptionally talented.
Folk Rock
Matthew West
There’s no denying this artist is talented. Not only is he a phenomenal guitarist and vocalist, but he’s an amazing songwriter. He’s been known to make songs up on the fly. He likes to write his songs from the experiences of his fans—hence the folk part of this genre. It’s amazing how he’s serving others with the talent God’s given him.
Crowder, formerly part of the David Crowder Band, has a sound all his own though you’ll probably be reminded of folk music. Whatever it is, it’s swell.
I love Mandisa—she’s beautiful. Her songs just speak to me. Maybe it’s because her heart shines through every song she sings.
Ever find someone who is so talented that you just find yourself listening even though you love to sing? That’s how it is for me with Selah.
Hip Hop
Jamie Grace
Jamie’s spirit shines right through her songs. She loves life, and it’s contagious.
I have a challenge for you. Try listening to TobyMAC and his band, Diverse City, without moving. He’s awesome at combining Truth and beat. And I’ve chosen a twofer: Toby’s singing Lights Shine Bright with a new artist called Hollyn (she’s pretty cool too).
This band’s a bit edgier than my taste normally leans, but there’s no doubt they’re super talented. Have a listen if you dare.
Britt Nicole
Britt’s known as the pop girl. She has a way of combining a beat, melody, and lyrics that just speak to the soul.
Danny Gokey
There’s no doubt about Danny Gokey’s talent, though American Idol didn’t seem to agree. This dude can sing.
for King & Country
Two brothers from Australia form the backbone of this band. They just have their own personal way with words and beats. See for yourself.
Speak Truth. Be a godly example our youth can emulate. Lecrae understands this.
Casting Crowns
This band has been around a while—10 years in fact—and when you watch them you’ll understand why. It’s seven members combine talent, grace, and a willingness to serve into a beautiful testimony.
I had to include this band. One word comes to mind when I think of them: straightforward. Their lyrics just lay it out there, and their music makes me want to move.
Her real name is Tiffany Lee—stage name Plumb. What strikes me about her is the vulnerability of her lyrics.
Chris Tomlin
Now this guy is a prolific worship singer/songwriter. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the songs we sing in church were written by him.
Jeremy Camp
Jeremy’s style is different from the other two in the this category. He leans more toward worship, which is why I put him in the worship group, but he can rock it out too. Great guy.
And United—AKA Hillsong United or Hillsong—is the go-to worship band. It actually formed as part of the youth ministry for Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. You can visit the band’s site here.
I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak, and know it’s just that, a sneak peak. It was super hard to pick from all the great bands/artists. Maybe I’ll have to do another post later.
In the mean time, I’d like to offer a suggestion. Try listening to your local Christian Music station for 30 days. You might be surprised at the end of that month. Be sure to let me know what you think.
Do you listen to Christian music? What are your reasons? What do you like about it? Let me know in the comments.
Additional Resources
- Christian Music: My 10 Favorite Artists (of the Moment) from HISsparrowBlog
- My Valentine’s Day Playlist with the Best Love Songs from HISsparrowBlog
- My Rainy-Day Playlist from HISsparrowBlog
- 10 Songs to Pump Up Your Day from HISsparrowBlog
- 20 Funk-Bustin’ Songs for Your Bad Day from HISsparrowBlog

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
I prefer hymns.
Awesome! Hymns are pretty awesome. 🙂
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