Thanksgiving is traditionally a time of appreciation for many of us, but how does that manifest itself? Here are some simple ways to practice gratitude.

Ah. Thanksgiving. Such a wonderful time of year, isn’t it?
Crimson, amber, and ocher leaves adorn the lingering green grass. The crisp air smells fresh and promises refreshment after the sweltering summer. Sweaters cover the arms unused to the chill while we run here and there for all the kids’ activities.
Fall is usually a busy time of year, but for some reason the cooler temps never fail to trigger feelings of thankfulness in me. I just feel like sighing with appreciation. Don’t you?
This year’s bout of thankfulness has made me think, though. I’m asking myself What do I do with those feelings of thankfulness? Am I actually practicing gratitude?
What does that even mean?
What is Gratitude?
This is a question I’ve been asking myself this season, and I’ve come to a simple conclusion: I’ve practiced appreciation in the past, not gratitude.
I’m certainly no expert in this or any area. However, I feel there is an important difference between appreciation and gratitude.
Appreciation is the act of realizing that there is good for which to be thankful.
Gratitude is the next step; it’s what we do with the appreciation we feel.
Importance of Practicing Gratitude
So what’s the big deal? Why is it so important to show gratitude?
It can be easy to forget to show our gratitude for the blessings God’s given us. We forget how we came through—like the Israelites wandering the desert, grumbling after their dazzling exodus from Egypt, while huddled under His literal cloud of protection.
God didn’t appreciate their ungratefulness. Can you blame Him? I don’t appreciate a person’s ungratefulness for what I do for them, and I didn’t create their very life.
There are also many benefits for us in gratitude. It helps us to:
- Remember that we aren’t the authors of our blessings.
- Remember how far we’ve come.
- Experience more contentment with our current situations.
- Not make mistakes borne of ingratitude—looking to satisfy the moment.
- Trust God with our futures.
Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude
You know that saying about love? How love is an action—a verb, not a noun?
Could gratitude be the same?
Feelings of gratefulness are wonderful. God appreciates our gratitude for the many undeserved blessings in our lives—just ask the Israelites who found out what trouble grumbling could bring—but our actions should always reflect our hearts.

#1 – Thank God.
Acknowledgment is important. Now, we’ll never be able to count them all, but making a list of the many blessings in our lives is a wonderful way to remind ourselves of the faithfulness of our God.

#2 – Give a little extra in your donations (or start donating).
There are so many fabulous organizations already set up that strive to reach the least of these. We can take advantage of that.
We don’t have to wait to help others until we have this much money in the bank—or whatever our waiting goal is. Even our little can make a big impact in someone’s life. God’s math is supernatural.

#3 – Bless someone else.
Thankfulness for God’s blessings in our lives is best expressed when we bless someone else in His name. As Jesus said, who lights a candle and hides it?
Scripture tells us repeatedly that God’s love should shine right through us to our neighbor. Heart change should always lead to action.

#4 – Keep on Keeping on.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to practice gratitude, but these are all things that we should be doing as Christians anyway, so how about we make it a habit for the rest of this year and the next?

There’s so much to love about Thanksgiving that it’s easy to feel appreciation this time of year, but I hope to practice gratitude this year.
How do you practice gratitude? Be sure to comment below and let me know.
More resources
- FREE Thanksgiving Printables from HISsparrowBlog
- How to Ease Your Burdens This Thanksgiving from HISsparrowBlog
- Delicate Happiness: My Worst Mistakes {and what I’m gonna do about them} from HISsparrowBlog
- Count That High music video by Jordan Feliz

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
This is a wonderful post. It makes a person stop and realize what is important. Thank you!
Thank you, Martha!
Ashley I love your thoughts here on gratitude! I beleive it is an action word, as well as a reflective posture before God. But we demonstrate our gratitude by our actions! Great, simple advice here!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Donna!
Ashley, I love your insights and encouragement here. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Thank you, Paula!
“Keep on keeping on” – great message to remind us to continue practicing gratitude past November.
Wonderful insights from a kind and loving heart!
Thank you for your faithful encouragement!
Great ideas on gratitude. I am featuring your post today on my website for Grace & Truth Link-Up
Thank you, Maree!
Ashley, this is a wonderful post. You brought out something so important to reflect on – there is a difference between appreciation and gratitude. “Appreciation is the act of realizing there is good for which to be thankful. Gratitude is the next step; it’s what we do with the appreciation we feel.” May I be filled with gratitude for all God has done not only this month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving, but all year round.
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