Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life? Maybe it’s hard to articulate exactly why because you have so many blessings. You’re thankful for each one, but the deadlines, to-dos, expectations, and appointments make you question whether you have enough energy for it all. Today we’ll talk about what to do when you’re overwhelmed by life.
It’s past my bedtime. I glance at the clock again and berate myself for lingering as the willpower continues to fail me. Everything I need to do before crawling into my soft, white sheets overwhelms me, and the longer I sit, the worse it gets.
Honestly, it’s not that much. Simple things are adding up to more than I feel like tackling.
And sometimes it feels like life is filled with so many things, I just can’t.
Life can be overwhelming sometimes. Can you relate?

Simple Reminders for When You’re Overwhelmed by Life
Routine can be healthy and comforting. It can provide the structure we need to not only feel safe but to get things done. It can help us to relax when it’s time because we know we’ve been productive when it was time to do so.
And then there are times when the routine feels so monotonous, doing the same over-and-over-again thing even one more time is too much.
That’s okay. Here are a few reminders I’m telling myself now, and maybe they can help you, too.
#1 – Revisit your “why.”
It’s amazing how much more motivation I have when I understand the reasons for a task. Sometimes I understand that a thing is good, but I don’t articulate those reasons. When I list those reasons, though, I have something tangible to remind myself of the task’s importance.
#2 – Pray, read your Bible, journal, and talk to someone close to you.
Talk to God. Maybe He’s trying to tell me something. Sometimes journaling and talking about my feelings can help me to process and break their hold on me.
#3 – Do a little at the time.
Try to see the small and not the whole. One step before the other is progress.
#4 – Look for something small to accomplish outside your routine.
Adding more to an already overwhelming routine can seem odd, but just accomplishing something—anything— can help my attitude. We all have those little things we just haven’t gotten to; pick one and get it done.
#5 – You don’t have to be profound.
I’ve made this point before in other posts, but it’s a good one and something I must tell myself often. Sometimes our expectations paralyze us when we feel like we can’t meet them. We think we must always be the best at everything.
But God doesn’t tell us to go out and be the best. He tells us to go out. Show up and leave the rest to Him.
I flip the blanket off and push down the recliner. It’s time for bed, and I won’t get there any faster by sitting and dreading it. I’ll take a little at the time, and before I know it, I’ll be crawling into those soft sheets.
Does life ever feel monotonous or overwhelming to you? What’s helped you? Let me know in the comments below.
More reading
- When Feeling Overwhelmed Doesn’t Make Sense by Maree Dee at Embracing the Unexpected
- 4 Simple Ways to Find Contentment in the Now from HISsparrowBlog
- Delicate Happiness: My Worst Mistakes {and what I’m gonna do about them} from HISsparrowBlog

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
Thanks for this post! I have been feeling overwhelmed quite a lot lately. I’ve found it helps just to focus on doing one small thing at a time.
That is one of my mantras these days: do a little at the time. Thank you for commenting, Lesley!
Love your encouragement here, Ashley, I do let overwhelm get in my way sometimes, and often do many of the things on your list. Thank you for this timely reminder!
I’m so glad you were encouraged, Donna!
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who gets overwhelmed! Sometimes my to-do list is just too much.
“But God doesn’t tell us to go out and be the best. He tells us to go out. Show up and leave the rest to Him.” Thanks for reminding me of that. I just need to show up. It’s on Him what happens!
You’re definitely not the only one who gets overwhelmed, Jerralea. Here’s to showing up and leaving the results to God. Thanks for stopping by!
It’s so important to remember our why! I also the no about how I’ll feel when the job is done (satisfied, happy, relieved), and try to focus on those emotions. It also helps to analyze what’s holding me back. I recently realized fear of making a wrong cut on fabric is holding me back from a sewing project.
Excellent point, Anita. That fear of messing up can halt all progress sometimes. Thank you for stopping by!
I love these reminders, Ashley. I especially resonate with #3, do a little at a time. It’s how I accomplish most everything, just one small step at a time. It may take longer to arrive at my slow pace, but eventually I’ll get there. 🙂
I like that Lisa: “It may take longer to arrive…” So true. Thanks for commenting!
Ashley, #3 is such a grace. just one little task completed gives us a whisper of hope … and sometimes that’s all we really needed.
So true, Linda. Thank you for commenting!
I love this, “But God doesn’t tell us to go out and be the best. He tells us to go out. Show up and leave the rest to Him.” That’s a great reminder for my life right now. Thanks for sharing!
So glad you were encouraged, Letetia!
These are all very good. #3 and #5 most resonate with me. One small step at a time keeps us making progress. I also try to pray every morning for wisdom in how to order my day.
That’s wonderful advice, Barbara.
I appreciated your encouragement, Ashley, as overwhelmed has been how I have been feeling lately. #3 resonated the most with me. Just doing one thing, or crossing it off my list, can make me feel productive and hopeful that I will get the rest done.
Yes, just one small thing can be encouraging. Thank you for stopping by!
Ashley, these are wonderful reminders. Bookmarking so I can reference when I need to.
Thank you, Paula!
Ps: visiting today from Let’s Have Coffee #24
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This is so true, Ashley, “God doesn’t tell us to go out and be the best. He tells us to go out. Show up and leave the rest to Him.” Availability, love, and perseverance can make all the difference sometimes! Visiting from #tellhisstory
You’re so right, Lisa! Sometimes those seemingly small things, like being available, can make all the difference. Thank you for commenting today!