Lately a thought has persisted for me: Live. Thrive. Allow myself to be everything God created me to be.
‘Well, what’s holding you back,’ you say? Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what others think. Fear of my own faults. Just plain old fear.
You’d think I’d have this old mate conquered by now. After all, it’s been with me all my life. It’s been at the heart of so many unwise decisions over the years. Lessons I swore at the time I had learned.
And I did learn lessons from each situation, but I’m still learning one of the hardest lessons of all: how to deal with my fear.

First Things First
Let’s cut to the heart of the matter. Fear, or maybe I should say Satan, likes to pick where it hurts. He knows I have fears of not being good enough. I know I have strengths, but there’s always someone who’s better. Someone who won’t like what I do or say.
I’m going to throw a scenario out there: Let’s say someone thinks she has some dirt on me. She threatens to tell my husband. But I go to him first, confess like I should have done at the start, and BAM I’ve taken all her power over me.
That’s exactly what Satan is doing. He’s trying to blackmail us with our fears. Limiting our potential because we’re too afraid to step out.
Here goes. I’m not good enough.
But I know Who is.

What I Have to Offer
While I’m on the topic, we can do all things through Christ. He gives us the strength we need.
That strength also comes in the form of gifts, abilities, and talents. He’s seen fit to give us a unique blend of these. No one else can answer the call God’s placed on my life but me. No one can meet your call but you. There are plenty of writers out there, and so many times I compare myself to them. But they don’t have my voice. I don’t have theirs.
So when we find ourselves in the comparison game, I say we stop. List off several personal strengths, and thank God for each one. Then give the other person a compliment—whether it’s in person, a comment on a blog, or in our minds if we aren’t near the other person. It’s amazing how complimenting another can redirect the mind from itself.
We must find identity in order to thrive. There are all kinds of thoughts on this. It only takes a look around at our society to see the truth to this. But family, careers, government, fashion, health, animals, kids, religion all fail to provide us the identity we need.
We were made for more.
We were made for a relationship with the Creator of the universe, and His Son, Jesus Christ, provides a way for that relationship.
Now if you’re like me, I’ve accepted Him as my Savior. I live for Him, but am I missing something?
I turned to the Bible to see what God has to say. The following is what I found:

The Author of life. Our identity is found through Him. Why should we believe anyone else? God’s opinion is the only One that matters.
If you’re reading this, and you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Savior, it’s not too late.
Make no mistake: This post does not apply to you—yet. God’s promises are for His children—those who have accepted the Son He sent to die for our sins.
Be encouraged, though. He’s so ready to accept you as His child. He’s willing if you are.
Please, please check out my page Weary Sparrow for more.
I would love to hear from you guys. How has fear been a presence in your life? More importantly, how has God helped you overcome it?
More reading…
- 3 Simple Truths for When You Feel Like a Failure from HISsparrowBlog
- Reminders: When the Insecurities Attack from HISsparrowBlog

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