Delicate Happiness: My Worst Mistakes {and what I’m gonna do about it}
Do you struggle with a delicate sense of happiness? Read on for five of my worst mistakes.
Do you struggle with a delicate sense of happiness? Read on for five of my worst mistakes.
I've realized being a good listener doesn't come naturally for me anymore. I can tell you the revelation has disturbed me a lot. Good listening skills are essential to all…
Do you respond to a compliment by putting yourself down? Is your response to your own clumsiness, or forgetfulness, or aging body cause verbal insults? You, my friend, struggle with negative self-talk. Read on for some tips to improve.
Do you struggle with feelings of guilt? Do you get bogged down thinking you're an awful person who's done awful things, and that's all you'll ever be? Check out this article for a guide on how I deal with guilt.
I've found five bad habits in my life that've got to go this year. Do you have the same habits?
Last time we talked about what a prayer journal is, different kinds, and whether you should have one. If you missed it, check it out here. This week I'd like…
How's your prayer life? Do you go to bed at night feeling guilty that you didn't pray more that day? Are you reminded about a prayer request when talking to…
What's something you've waited on? The feeling is indescribable when you finally get it, but it can take a long time before that happens, and that feeling is indescribable too.…
I used to think the road signs that say "hidden drive" were saying that there was a secret road ahead. As hard as I tried, I never found one, though.…
So I realized recently that I haven't made a list of my favorite Bible verses. I really couldn't believe it until I looked back over all my posts. But not…