Personality and the Bible (And 5 Tips for Both Types)

Personality is so interesting to me. Why do people do what they do?

This interest has helped me a lot in relationships: The first year Randy and I were married I remember having a conversation about something—I can’t remember what—and I distinctly remember my response to what he said: “I can’t believe you think that.” Later, we made the connection that he’s an external processor: He verbalizes his thoughts as he’s trying to figure things out. What he says at the beginning of the conversation may not be what he really thinks, he just hasn’t gotten to his conclusion yet.

This interest has also helped me in my own walk with God. I understand myself better now, so I know where my strengths lie and where I need improvement.

Did you know the Bible actually addresses these issues? Amazing, right? The Bible really does have something for every area of our lives.

Personality and the Bible (And 5 Tips for Both Types) | HISsparrowBlog | Christian living, diligence, Type A, Type B, verses, procrastination

One of the classics that shows these differences in personality is the story of Mary and Martha. You know the one. Jesus comes to their home. Martha’s running around like a headless chicken, and Mary just wants to sit and listen.

Now Martha was the Type A, wanting everything to be just so (duh). Mary was laid back and valued relationship more than work.

Now, in this instance, Jesus commended Mary for her attentiveness to him when Martha complained she wasn’t getting any help. I wonder what that dynamic was like between Mary and Martha in other areas of their lives. Did Mary struggle with procrastination? Don’t know. Scripture doesn’t say.

This passage has been used to paint Type B’s as more Christ-like, but I don’t think that’s fair or accurate.

Scripture has plenty to say about both personality types and instructions for both.

For the Type A’s:

Verses for the Type A Personality | HISsparrowBlog

Now for us Type B’s:

Verses for the Type B Personality | HISsparrowBlog

Practical Steps for Each Type

Although I’m not Type A, I’m surrounded by them. Below are tips for what I’ve observed.

Tips for the Type A Personality | HISsparrowBlog

Okay. So I’m an expert on the next one. Not really, but I am familiar with it since it’s the group I fall into. This is what I’ve learned:

Tips for the Type B Personality | HISsparrowBlog

Why is it so much harder to see solutions for others than for yourself? It was way easier to come up with tips for the Type A peeps than for my own group. Whew.

Really, I think we could each learn something from the other because the healthiest place to be is somewhere in the middle. Neither of us is better, or more holy, than the other.

No matter what personality type you have, and no matter what your struggle is, rest assured Scripture has something for you—both instruction and comfort. And I must add another tip, one that applies to either type: pray. I can do all things…

How about you? What’s your area of struggle thanks to your personality type, and what have you learned? Drop a comment below.

A little more reading…

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I love to help people see their value in Christ because once we understand that our potential to lead healthy lives that impact others for Christ is limitless.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Gena Geier

    Awesome blog! You were definitely talking to me. 😊

  2. Shirley Tucker

    Your article has given me a word in due season. God has taken me on a journey of answering my prayers of why I most often feel as if I am a square peg that is always trying to fit into a round hole. This personality challenge I have pursued for quite a long time, seeking not just definition, traits between the different types, and where I fit in, but for me I have been seeking Bible based answers, and direction. Thank you for being the vehicle that God has used this day to light my way.
    He is faithful, He listens, and always answers our prayers.
    Your Sister in Christ Jesus

    1. HISsparrowBlog

      You have encouraged me so much today. I am thrilled and grateful that you found this article helpful. God bless!

  3. Colleen Williams

    Thank you for the his post… one thing I know, GOD will answer prayer, be silent, watch and wait..,, this was an answer to a prayer.

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