It’s January. Time for cold, dark days—if you’re in the northern hemisphere anyway. Right about this time of the year I used to get a good case of the winter blues. The damp weather, the lull after Christmas, and the getting back to reality I think have all played a big part in the gloom.
And did I mention it’s cold? And dark?
Surprisingly, the last few years have been better—ever since I met and married my husband the blues haven’t seemed so…blue. I’ve been thinking about why that is, and I’m happy to present my conclusion: It’s my husband.
Well…kind of.
Reflection is a valuable tool for us all, and I’ve evaluated the why here for a long while. Although Randy is a wonderful blessing, he doesn’t have the power to shield me from that. And he shouldn’t. He can’t be an idol in my life.
But I’ve finally figured out some of the reasons the winter blues haven’t been as much of an issue lately and why it coincides with our relationship. I hope what I’ve learned helps you, too.

How to Beat the Winter Blues
Tip #1: Know who you are in Christ.
I know. I know. I’ve said this many times before, but I gotta say it again: I can see God’s love more clearly now than I ever have before.
Through the blessing God’s given me in my husband, I can see that:
- God loved me long before I could feel it or recognize it.
- I don’t deserve God’s love, but he’s offered it anyway.
- God’s love for me has a whole lot less to do with my merit than with His. Make that everything.
Knowing who we are in Christ enables us to live for more than ourselves, which might seem contradictory. But it’s true.
Everyone knows one of the best things for depression is helping others. We’re best able to help others when we reflect the love of Christ in our own lives.
A couple of resources from a couple of my other posts might help here. Here’s a link to those: 60 Names and Attributes of God & Jesus and 20ish MORE Names and Attributes of God.

Tip #2: Work on some projects around the house.
Randy usually gets some time off work right after Christmas, and we love spending the extra time together.
We also love working on projects around the house without the distractions of yard work, extracurricular activities for the kids, and family functions.
Don’t get me wrong. I like some of the busyness of other seasons, and I love getting together with friends and family. But I also like to take advantage of this season.
I’ve actually gotten to the point that I look forward to this time since it serves a wonderful purpose for us. We get more projects done than the whole rest of the year. Some projects are big and some are small, but it’s amazing how satisfying it is to see any kind of progress.
Tip #3: Light up the house.
They say opposites attract, and our relationship doesn’t do anything to prove that saying wrong. We’re so opposite it’s kinda funny.
One of those ways is our use and view of lights. My husband jokes that I’d sit around in the dark if not for him. He definitely has a point there. He’s the opposite (of course), and, to be honest, this area’s driven me a little crazy. Lights on in the house equals money wasted to me.
Without me realizing it, Randy’s helped me beat the blues with his desire to make the house glow for the next county. Just kidding about the glow, Sweetie! 😉
It makes sense though: I’ve always heard darkness can affect our sleep rhythms and mood. So let in as much natural light as you can or, if that’s not an option, maybe loosen the purse strings a little. Besides, that’s not as much of an issue nowadays with all the energy-saving bulbs we have.
Tip #4: Get some noise going around you.
I’m a quiet person. I like quiet. And when I’m alone, I can go all day without saying anything or really hearing another voice. But we can all use some kind of noise in our lives, no matter how introverted we are.
When Randy and I married, the house went from having just me and my one mutt to five people and three mutts. My little house. That’s a lot of noise and interaction.
It took some adjustment for me, but now I miss some of the noise when I’m home alone because now I keep music going. All the time. Sometimes loud while I sing with it. Sometimes quiet—like right now for background noise.
It makes a big difference to have some kind of noise going, so put on some music, the TV, something.

How about you?
I’m certainly no expert in this area (or any area really), but I hope my own reflections help someone else.
And I’d love to know what’s helped you fight off the winter blues. Be sure to share in the comments.
Need a few more resources for your blues? Check these out.
- 60 Names and Attributes of God & Jesus by HISsparrowBlog
- 20ish MORE Names and Attributes of God by HISsparrowBlog
- My Rainy-Day Playlist by HISsparrowBlog
- 6 Tips for Coping with the Post-Holiday Blues by Dr. Michelle Bengston
- The Christian’s Ultimate Guide to Beating the Winter Blues by A Divine Encounter

Great thoughts! Visiting you today from the welcome heart link up.
Thanks, Lauren!
Thanks for the good tips!
Visiting from the Let’s Have Coffee Linkup.
Thank you, Ruth!
Great blog!
Thank you! Love you.
These are great tips. I agree with each one! Especially confidence in my identity in Christ. In the winter, I get either lazy or busy with projects. This year I’m using more time to read and fill my soul with God’s truth, which reminds me of Whose I am.
Love that, Elaine. I don’t read enough nowadays, so that would be a great idea for a little down-time. Thanks so much reading and commenting. Blessings to you.