Bad Habits Every Christian Should Break Now

As Billy Graham said, “we [as Christians] are the Bibles the world is reading,” which begs the question: What does the world see in us? Unfortunately, many times they see our bad. Today we’ll talk about a few of the bad habits many Christians possess at one time or another in our lives and how to move forward.


Suicidal Thoughts: What I Wish I’d Done Differently

Suicide can be a difficult topic. Unfortunately, many of us have probably had some sort of experience with it. Today I'd like to talk about a couple of things I wish I had done differently when I struggled with my own suicidal thoughts, as well as, give you a list of reminders I would tell my younger self I could—in case you're struggling now.


5 Necessary Reminders for a Victim Mindset

Have you ever stayed in a harmful situation yet never said anything? Or have you gotten pleasure in telling others about the terrible things other people have done to you? If so, you may have a victim mindset. Don't worry. I've realized that I have the same problem, so I've compiled a list of reminders to combat it. Check 'em out here.