What do you think of when you hear the word blogging? This word seems to be enough to strike a little fear and intimidation into the heart of bloggers and non-bloggers alike.
A lot of the people I know either don’t really know what blogging is or they think it’s this overwhelming, unattainable occupation.
Honestly, I’ve fallen into both of those categories at one time or another, but as each year passes in this fun and challenging and crazy blogging journey, I realize more and more that blogging is just like real life.
You see, I think those who’re not familiar with blogging think more about the many mechanics required to run a website. They may not know what mechanics are called, but they know intuitively there’s a lot of unseen back-end stuff.
As a blogger, though, it’s not really the mechanics that trip me up.
Sure, there’s a lot to do. A lot to learn. And there’s always something else you just don’t know you need to know.
But it’s the simpler, we-all-deal-with-them kind of stumbling blocks that cause fear in this blogger’s heart, because blogging is just like real life.

How Blogging is Just Like Real Life
#1 – We’re all dealing with things others can’t see.
Think about that person who always seems to have it together. You envy their perfect life every time you see or think about them. Careers, family life, personal style, vacations…the list could go on and on.
We all have one or ten people in our lives like that, and in the blogging world, the “same old” just presents itself a little differently.
You have those bloggers who seem so far ahead of you with their writing, graphics, freebies, and all the stuff. Everything seems so effortlessly … perfect.
That’s the key word, I think—effortlessly.
Nothing comes without effort, and no matter how much we look at other blogs—or old high school friends—with envy, there’s way more going on behind the scenes than you think.
Insecurities, fears, and time/money constraints affect us all.
Insecurities, fears, and time/money constraints affect us all. @HISsparrowBlog #christianblogger #faithoverfear #livebygrace Share on X#2 – You’re never alone.
Do you ever feel alone in your Christian walk? Does it feel like you and maybe your family are alone in the fight? I used to feel like that.
When I first started my blogging journey, I didn’t know of many Christian bloggers. I felt alone in the wide expanse of the internet—like Elijah with raised sword against hundreds of Baal priests in 1 Kings.
But just as God showed Elijah, he wasn’t the only one holding on to Truth, God’s shown me I’m nowhere near alone in the blogging world.
I can’t really count all the awesomely talented Bible-believing bloggers I’ve met; there’s a strong Christian blogging community.
And we are not alone in our Christian walks either. Just like there are many other bloggers out there with hearts for Jesus, doing all they can to spread the love of Jesus with the gifts and resources they’ve been given, there are many around us each day walking the walk.

#3 – Don’t compare yourself to someone you’re not.
Comparison really is a killer. Well, not a killer per se. It’s never actually killed anyone—that I know of—but it’s certainly murdered plenty of confidences.
I’m virtually surrounded by beautiful blogs—well-done, well-written, and well-thought-out blogs. At first, I felt like there was something I was lacking when I’d come across a particularly good article, but then I slowly got better at appreciating the ministries of others without feeling inadequate in my own.
Then I came across other bloggers with messages very similar to mine. You mean I didn’t come up with a thought so original no one else has thought of it yet? Nope.
Let me tell you, that brought on the someone-else-is-doing-it-better insecurities.
I’d love to tell you about a profound moment when a revelation came to me, but I can’t. I can tell you that over the last few years, God’s reminded me that we do have different and equally important ministries no matter how similar they look. I’m not them and they’re not me.
Besides, the internet and the world are big, big places.
#4 – Sometimes you’ll put in the hard work without seeing a big return.
Blogging is a lot of work—and expense. There’s so much more that goes into it than jotting down ideas in a pretty font.
A bunch of challenging work.
And while there may be occasional encouraging comments here and there, it can feel like you’re trying to win a race while sloshing along a muddy track. Your subscriber list is still in the double-digits, you’ve made nothing from affiliate sales to recoup any of your expenses, and it seems like no one’s really reading your hard work.
After working hard for three years without seeing a big growth, it’s easy to get discouraged, but one of the things I’ve realized is blogging is one of those qualitative things in life. Sure, there are metrics for visitors and comments and subscribers, but those things aren’t a measure of what really counts.
What’s important is actually a who: it’s that person who was encouraged or inspired.
You don't have to be profound to touch someone else. @HISsparrowBlog #faithoverfear #christianblogger #livebygrace Share on X#5 – You don’t have to be profound to touch someone.
I always thought there were some things in life that just flowed. They came easy, in a way, because you were made for them.
In my mind, it’d work something like this: The singer has every confidence she’s got the voice that’ll wow. The painter reveals her gift with every brushstroke. And the writer has only to sit in front of the computer for the words to flow like those from a chatty two-year-old.
Insert eye roll.
Although I think there is a tiny bit of truth to that, there’s still a lot of struggle in our callings of life. My life as a writer is filled with cycles of ups and downs, cycles of writer’s block, and cycles of wondering if I can really do this.
If I’m honest, the lows in those cycles are usually longer than the highs, but something usually happens in those lows: I’ll get the best feedback from articles I think are rushed or not my best. The simplest thing ends up meeting someone where they are.
And I’m reminded that I’m not called to be profound; I’m called to write.
The same is true in our Christian lives. We think we need the perfect words to reach someone else, but the truth is we just need to talk. We need to talk about Jesus and live out the little things in our daily lives.

Honestly, blogging can be intimidating—even for the seasoned blogger—but it’s like everything in life, the hardest things are the most rewarding.
For my blogger friends out there, what would you add to this list? Non-bloggers, I’d love to hear from you, too! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Additional Resources
- 3 Things I’ve Learned Blogging from HISsparrowBlog
- What Most Christian Bloggers Wish You Knew About Them by Valerie Murray at Cord of 6

Spot on! I really enjoyed reading this blog. Keep it up. You have a gift. You are a gift!
Thank you!
I had the words flowing it was technical, I’m still learning even after writing for years. From the word, others and mostly grace.
You reminded me of what I was thinking just the other day: Shouldn’t I be further along by now? After several years of this, I expected to have it all down! Boy, was I wrong. ;0)
What I do at my desk, God can take and break like bread on the waters. So we offer what He gives to us and let Him take responsibility for the fruit (that we don’t see!) Great post!
I love everything you just said, Sue! We do have to trust that God can take our work and multiply it into the fruit we can’t see.
Great reminder! “I’m not called to be profound, I’m called to write”. God keeps telling me to just write. And I want what I write to have an impact but it’s so hard to measure it online. Thanks for the reminder to do what God put in my heart to do.
This is a big one for me, too! It’s easy to think we’re supposed to be the next Francine Rivers or Francis Chan and get stuck. When I forget this truth, I don’t produce anything!
Great post! As I read your words I shook my head in agreement. When I first started blogging I compared myself to everyone. I felt so inadequate. Then God reminded me that I was not doing this for my name to be known but for His name to be known. That stopped the comparisons. My prayer became more of him and less of me. Blogging is a blessing and a burden all at the same time.
You’re so right, Angela! It’s a blessing and a burden.
Blogging does seem like real life, I agree. There’s always doubts and fears and technical issues. To me, blogging also is my witness, which is better than real life. As a quad amputee, I don’t leave the house as often as I should, so when I write, it’s my opportunity to share Jesus with the world. I love that! Great post!
Isn’t it amazing the reach the internet gives us to do good? I love that you’re still able to reach others from your home and shine the light Jesus has given you! For me, blogging has become that same witness, since I don’t get to leave home much either. Not to mention, I’m just better at expressing myself this way. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping in, and may God bless your blogging journey, Wendy!
I totally agree with you here. When I first started blogging six years ago, I didn’t know if I could do it. But it has become a ministry and a way to get to know other women who have really become blessings in my life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #TellHisStory.
Thanks for stopping in, Gayl! I think of my blog as ministry, too. And it’s brought so many wonderful people in my life.
So much truth! This blogging world is just like real-life. The comparison thing is so real, but all we can do is live our lives out loud, and let God do the work.
Live our lives out loud. You’re totally right, Brittany!
This is a powerful post, Ashley! And so very true on many, many levels! Thank you for demystifying blogging, as well as helping those of us who are bloggers to look at this job as a calling by God to write. Nothing else matters if we are faithful to our calling! Great post and I’ll be pinning/tweeting, my friend!
Nothing else matters if we are faithful to our calling…Love that, Beth. You’re exactly right, and sometimes thinking about my calling is what keeps me pressing on. Thank you for your encouragement today!
This is highly encouraging. Blogging seems to me as a no go area, even though the thought of blogging keeps knocking. I have just received an impetus for the dream. Kudos to all the ladies in the blogging ministries, keep doing exploit for the kingdom.
I am so glad you were encouraged! From the outside looking in, it can look like blogging is a fad or even that there are too many bloggers for the demand, but I’ve come to think blogging isn’t going anywhere. I’m sure it will change with time. All things do. The internet is such a big place there’s room for us all. I pray for you all the strength and courage and wisdom if God is calling you to blog. We can definitely use more male perspective in the blogging world! Thank you for stopping in today, Rotimi!
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