4 Simply Powerful Reminders for Insecurity

Do you ever feel paralyzed by your insecurities? Has fear of failure kept you from making that change, talking to that person, or just keeping on the path God set you?

Unfortunately, my answer is a yes.

It took me months to post an article this year, because I allowed my insecurities to control me. I told myself maybe I just needed a break—that maybe I could wait to post until I was further ahead. But thanks to a simple question from my husband, I realized I was allowing fear to control me. My insecurities were in the driver’s seat of my life.

And this isn’t the first time this has happened. It’s a vicious cycle that many times I don’t realize I’m caught up in again. When I’m doing well, I think I’ve beaten it, but slowly—inch by inch, thought by thought—I find myself convinced there’s no way I can do this.

We all have a high calling. All of us. I’ve been called to this thing called blogging. Maybe you have, too. Or maybe you’re called to be a mother or father. Support your family. Build water wells in Africa. No matter our calling, it’s important or God wouldn’t have called us to it.

4 Simply Powerful Reminders for Insecurity | HISsparrowBlog

Powerful Yet Simple Reminders for Our Insecurities

#1 – We’re all insecure.

It’s so easy to look at that friend who seems to have everything together. She looks beautiful. She can do everything you can do better. She has the perfect family, career, life. 

Except none of that is true. 

She has her insecurities, too. And in fact, she may be looking at you thinking the same things you think about her.

The truth is no one has ever made it to the place where they have everything figured out. We’re striving for something that isn’t possible on this side of heaven.  

#2 – Sometimes what we see in ourselves and what others perceive about us is different. 

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here, but I have this theory: we tend to see ourselves in a harsher light than most others see us. 

When you look at your face, you can’t get past those wrinkles surrounding your mouth. Others see a woman blessed with joy—with reasons to laugh. 

You see the stretch marks and the flabby stomach. Others see a woman blessed with babies.

You see the thinning and gray hair. Others don’t even notice for your beautiful brown eyes—filled with love for everyone around you.   

#3 – Insecurities won’t just disappear.

Perhaps one of the mistakes we make is thinking that we’ve beaten our insecurities while we’re in the high. I don’t think they’re something we can beat in this life.

Maybe they’re more like a natural tendency or an addiction. Always with us. Sometimes quiet. Sometimes overbearing. And no amount of wishing they were gone will make them so.

In fact, lying to ourselves will only make us more vulnerable.

#4 – God takes our weaknesses and makes them beautiful.

Sometimes I get so caught up in wanting my weaknesses to just disappear that I forget that all our weaknesses serve a higher purpose. What would this world look like if all our weaknesses disappeared? What would the world see if everyone was perfect? 

They’d see us. Not Jesus. Not the power and grace and love Jesus shines through our weaknesses every day. 

I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10 NASB

I’m going strong for the moment. Things feel in order again, and I’m loving that feeling of doing what I’m called to do.

But lurking in the back is the knowledge that it’s only a matter of time before the insecurities can become overwhelming again.

But also lurking back there is the knowledge that I don’t have to give in to my insecurities. I can learn to recognize those thought patterns and take hold of them with the truth.

What about you? What helps you work through your insecurities? Share in the comments below.

A little more on the subject…

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I love to help people see their value in Christ because once we understand that our potential to lead healthy lives that impact others for Christ is limitless.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Maree dee

    I am so glad that you are going strong for the moment we all need your words. You have blessed me with your post today. Insecurity does tend to lurk around. I think satan is good at using it to keep us from God’s work. Thank you for sharing your words with us at Grace & Truth Link-Up. I am going to feature your post this Friday on Embracing the Unexpected.


    1. HISsparrowBlog

      Thank you so much, Maree! I’m so glad you found this post to be a blessing.

  2. Lisa notes

    This is an excellent post and one that rings true for me as well. We do all have insecurities. With blogging, it can be tough to hit that “publish” button. I’m currently reading “Write Better” and the chapter I’m on is about sending our creations out into the world, ready or not. I’m glad you’re doing that! I was hesitant about a post I wrote for today about Black Lives Matter. But for better or worse, it’s now out there.

    1. HISsparrowBlog

      Yes! It can be really tough to hit “publish.” And second-guess everything after you do. I’m so glad you pushed through your insecurity to talk about such an important issue. I’m sure your words will be a blessing to someone, they always are. 😉 Heading over to check out your post now….

  3. Tammy Mashburn

    So enjoyed this, Ashley. I feel insecure every time I stand up to teach a group of women! Yikers!

    1. HISsparrowBlog

      I can imagine! I’ve spoken once, and I think my knockin’ knees could be heard louder than my voice.

  4. Amy Jung

    I can really relate with this post. Sometimes insecurity and fear keep me from moving forward. I hate that feeling. The more it happens, the more I recognize it for what it is and am learning to go forward anyway. And I guess that’s exactly what I do…more and more I just prayerfully put one foot in front of the other. It’s hard. Like you, I need to be on the lookout for when insecurity rears it’s ugly head. I know it will happen again and I want to be prepared.So glad we ran into each other this week!

    1. HISsparrowBlog

      I think that’s all we can do; keep moving forward, learn to recognize the beginnings of insecurity, and focus on the only One who can get us through them. Thanks so much for stopping in, Amy!

  5. Barbara Harper

    I’m visiting from Grace and Truth. I have found it true as well, that when I focus on myself, my insecurities seem insurmountable. But when I focus on Him and His strength in my weakness, He carries me through.

    1. HISsparrowBlog

      Welcome, Barbara! You make an excellent point: Focus on ourselves only leads to more insecurity. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Donna Reidland

    It’s so good to know that when we feel weak and insecure, maybe especially then, God shows Himself strong!

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