If someone asked you today if you’re saved, what would your answer be? I pray it’d be a confident yes!—with the memory of your decision to follow Christ at the forefront of your mind (If your answer is no or I don’t know, then please read this page before you continue).
What if someone asked you if you believed in eternal security? Or do you think it’s possible that some people commit egregious enough sins to lose eternal life?
I have found that most Christians hesitate at the second question. Usually they answer—yes…well—and then pause with the I’ve-gotta-think-hard-on-this-one face. I’ll see the doubt in their eyes and maybe the remembrance of a person who made the walk to the front of the church but whose life never showed any fruit.
I get it.
There was a time in my life when I struggled with this question. As a young believer, to be confronted with this teaching from others who seemed smarter and wiser and more assured than I was came as a disturbing surprise.
For many years the topic bothered me. I was full of questions. Could what they said be true? How could I be sure of my salvation? How would I know if I lost my salvation? How could I get it back if I’d already lost it?

All the Answers
I’m a believer that all our answers can be found in one place: in God’s Word. Whether it speaks directly or indirectly about our situations, our questions can always be answered there.
To be honest, the topic of eternal security was probably the first real issue that sent me looking for answers to big questions.
I found my answers in the Bible, and I learned a really big lesson from it: God has given us the tools we need for answers between His Word and the Holy Spirit. Even a young believer, with no special smarts or wisdom, can find what she needs in the Word.
All our answers can be found in God's Word. #HISsparrowBlog #doubt #fear Share on XI also learned the best way to find answers to difficult questions is usually to break them down into their most basic parts. Take this as an example: is it wrong to cheat on my taxes if I really need the extra money? Commandment number nine: Don’t lie. And commandment number eight: Don’t steal.
That’s what I ended up doing with my questions about eternal security—even though I didn’t realize it per se at the time.
I know this is a bit of a hot topic in our churches. One denomination says yay and another says nay. I’m not an expert by any means, but I believe God has given me the tools I need, because, at the end of the day or eternity, it doesn’t really matter what this denomination or that one believes.
What matters is what the Word of God says. It is our only true compass in this world.
With this in mind, I pray you’ll read this post and my reasons for my assurance and be blessed today. And if you haven’t already, search out your answers in God’s Word.
Why I Believe in Eternal Security
#1 – Salvation comes through faith in Christ.
Our foundation of salvation starts with how to be saved in the first place. Scripture’s clear: salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ—His death, resurrection, and deity.
Not works.
It’s that simple.

#2 – We are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible teaches that when we accept Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit indwells us.
The Spirit provides us with comfort, support, a direct connection to God, and actually seals us with a promise of eternal life.

#3 – Eternal life is available to all who surrender to Christ.
Eternal. As in without end, forever and ever, everlasting….

#4 – There’s a flawed logic in the belief that salvation can be lost.
I’ve never heard anything specific about how one might go about losing their salvation. Like how it happens.
Does a person lose their salvation after 50 sins? Or 200?
Or is it certain sins?
Once lost, how can salvation be re-earned?
None of these questions can be answered with the belief that salvation can be lost, because it’s just not true. The logic is circular, which leads to the never-ending scenario of constantly losing and re-attaining salvation.
Which, by the way, I have never read anywhere in the Bible how to re-earn salvation. If we could lose our salvation, I’d think it’d be important to know.
I love the way Dr. Charles Stanley puts it:
If our salvation were dependent upon our actions—if we could be redeemed by doing good works, keeping the commandments, and refraining from sin—we would always be in danger of losing it whenever we stumbled.
Dr. Charles Stanley in The Life Principles Bible (NASB) commentary for Ephesians 2:8-9

#5 – And perhaps the teaching that salvation can be lost is blasphemous.
Hear me out. Scripture clearly teaches the way to salvation, which has nothing to do with works. To teach anything else is a really big deal.
How can salvation be lost by works when it couldn’t be earned by them in the first place?
The teaching that one can lose salvation reverts back to a teaching of works, which is blasphemous, because the Bible says it over and over again: Not works.

#6 – Those who say they were saved and continue to live in sin weren’t saved in the first place.
I think many of us think of those few people we’ve seen profess Christ only to quickly revert back to hard living. Nothing in that person’s life reflects the choice to surrender to Christ.
But Scripture tells us that a believer’s life is characterized by a pursuit of Christ. We’ll stumble now and again, but we aren’t characterized by sin.
But the fruit of the Spirit is
Galatians 5:22-23 NASB
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;
against such things there is no law.
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are:
Galatians 5:19-21 NASB
immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing,
and things like these, of which I forewarn you,
just as I have forewarned you,
that those who practice such things
will not inherit the kingdom of God.

I’d like to ask you again: do you believe in eternal security? Not what your church or denomination says.
What do you think based on your own reading and research of the Bible? Let me know in the comments below if you’ve researched this topic and your thoughts.
Here’s a little more reading…
- Doubting Salvation: My Journey to Assurance from HISsparrowBlog
- Reasons for Believing in Eternal Security – Part 1 from In Touch Ministries

Another wonderful blog!
I’m so glad you spelled out what Scripture says about this confusing topic, Ashley! It’s one that I’m in total agreement with you on and feel like needs to be spoken about more often. I feel like it’s an insult to Christ. Why in the world would He die the kind of death He did, if it might not stick for us? It’s like saying He wasn’t strong enough to redeem us and keep us! Thanks for this great word! Pinning and tweeting, my friend!
Very well said, Beth! Christ’s sacrifice covered our sin once for all (Hebrews 10:10). Hallelujah!
Praising the Lord…so grateful to know (without a doubt) that I am saved – and sealed! And that it has nothing to do with my works, abilities, merit, behavior etc. What a helpful and needed post! Thanks! Have a blessed week ahead!!
Amen, Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by!
Amen, sister! “And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.” -John 6:39
Thanks for stopping in, Amy!
I appreciate your courage in tackling a difficult but important question. You have defended your belief in the only appropriate way- by searching the scriptures. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Aletha! Thanks for stopping by!
I completely agree for all the reasons you spelled out. You have made a challenging topic very simple. Pinning.
Thank you, Donna! That means a whole lot to me coming from you. I love your work. 😉
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