Dear, Valentine: 5 Quick Messages for the Single
Whether you love or hate Valentine's Day, it can be a difficult holiday for singles. Here are five important messages for the single this Valentine's.
Whether you love or hate Valentine's Day, it can be a difficult holiday for singles. Here are five important messages for the single this Valentine's.
Does insecurity hinder your progress? Most people get stuck at some point in their lives, but insecurity doesn’t have to control us. Read on for seven verses to encourage you today.
We all know comparison is unhealthy, yet we all do it. Nothing else kills self-esteem quite like it. Read on for why this is and for a few encouraging reminders for the next time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else.
Are you good at receiving criticism? I’d guess few of us are. No one likes criticism, but it’s an inevitable and valuable part of life. Here are some truths to deal with criticism next time you're so fortunate to receive it.
Whether you've been a Christian for most of your life or since yesterday, it can be a challenge to really understand and accept your identity. Read on for three steps to better understand who we are in Christ.
Do you ever feel stupid? Check out this post for six reminders.
Have you ever heard of imposter syndrome? Do you ever question your ability and even your right to profess your faith to others—afraid you'll mess up and be exposed as an imposter? Overcome imposter syndrome with these reminders.
People-pleasing can be a big problem when we allow it to compromise our beliefs. Check out my signs that you might be a people-pleaser.
Do you ever feel paralyzed by your insecurities? Has fear of failure kept you from making that change, talking to that person, or just keeping on the path God set you?
Ever feel ugly? Do the dark circles under your eyes, the extra poundage around your middle, or your pencil-thin ponytail taunt you in pictures? Whether others consider us to be…