If you could name your one fear, the one that’s been a constant all your life, what would it be? I don’t have to think very hard to name mine.
Fear of failure has been with me for as long I can remember: in performance, relationships, and others’ opinions of me. Pretty much everything I’ve done in my life is tainted by the fear of doing something wrong.
And even though I feel alone in these feelings, I’ve learned that I’m not so unique as to be the only one to feel insecure, so I thought I’d share three simple truths that help me.
Maybe they’ll help you, too, because sometimes we need to be reminded of the simple truths.

3 Simple Truths for When I Feel Like a Failure
#1 – I am a failure.
This may seem a little harsh or self-deprecating, but you know the old saying that you can’t improve until you acknowledge the truth?
The truth is I’m a failure in the truest sense. I’m a heartless, selfish, sinful person, and I can never be all I want to be on my own.
But I’m so glad it doesn’t end there.

#2 – My failures don’t define me.
Even though I’ll never be all I want to be or what I think I should be, that’s not all I am.
When I was eight, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I’ve messed up a lot since then. A lot. And I let those mistakes bother me for a long time.
Recently, though, I’ve learned in a heart kind of way that God isn’t shaking His head in disappointment with me. He doesn’t look at me and see all my mistakes. He’s not waiting for our meeting in the beyond just to show me what my life could have been like if only I’d not made mistake after mistake.
The only thing He sees when He looks at me is the blood of His Son that perfectly covers my flaws.
He is all that defines me now.

#3 – My failures are beautiful.
It’s so hard to extend grace to myself sometimes. On my bad days, all I can see is how I should be, but I don’t have to stay in that mindset.
My faults and even my mistakes point directly to the Savior. They show the unconditional love of my Father and the work He’s still doing in me because God chooses to accept me despite my many flaws; and the bigger my flaws, the bigger God’s power shines.
My failures glorify Him, and whatever glorifies God is beautiful.

I told you this list would be simple, but sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed.
I pray that if you’re here today, you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior because you’re still stuck at the first point of this article otherwise. Please, please, please read this page if you’ve never accepted Him.
If you have accepted Christ, remember that your worth is never defined by your faults and failures: it can only be found in Him.
Question for you: How do you overcome feeling like a failure? Share in the comments below.
Need a little more encouragement? Here ya go.
- 9 Hopeful Thoughts for When You Feel Like a Failure by Crosswalk
- 100 Bible Verses About Failure by Open Bible
- Weary Sparrow from HISsparrowBlog

Another great blog that applies to so many people. It is hard believe the insecurities of others. I wish you could see yourself through the eyes of other people. You make everything better! You are a ray of sunshine and a tremendous blessing!!!
That’s a great point! Our own perspectives of our shortcomings are often very different from others’ perspectives of us. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Love you!
Working on overcoming feeling like a failure right now. Your words help. Thank you. Visiting you from Mary Geisen’s link up today. laurensparks.net
Lauren, I know what you want mean. It seems like there’s always something I feel like is pointing at me and saying, “Yep, we all knew it, but that just confirms you’re a failure. Why don’t you just do the smart thing and quit? ” I don’t know you, but I’ve visited your site several times. You’re talented, insightful, and have a beautiful Godly purpose. You’re not a failure. May God continue to show you who you are to Him, and thank you for stopping by today. God bless.
So true! Christ is our Redeemer and His strength perfects our weaknesses.
I too can get mired down in my failures and flaws and focus on the wrong things instead of giving thanks for grace and growing in His love.
I love that, Deborah: Christ perfects our weaknesses. Well said.
I know that fear all too well. But thank God that in him we are more than our failures, more than our feelings of inadequacy. I’m grateful that in spite of how I may feel about myself at times, my true identity is in Christ!
Well said, Lureta. Thanks for stopping by! God bless!
Thank you for this powerful and truth-filled post. Who we are is who God says we are and there is nothing that can take that away. I love my imperfect self because God loved me first.
So true, Mary! Sometimes it blows my mind that God loves me with all my imperfections, but then if I was perfect like I tend to want to be, God would get no glory for loving me.
Fear of failure is one for me too. Blessed to be your neighbor at Tell His Story this week.
Thanks for dropping in, neighbor!
I grew up afraid of failure. And it took many years to change my thinking. Yes, we are all failures, which always makes me think we have a lot of good company (because that includes everyone). And yup, they don’t define me. So thankful for that. I like that my failures allow me to give grace to myself and give grace to others (for their failures). One thing that has helped me with feeling like a failure, is developing (cause I sure wasn’t born with one) a sense of humor. Laughing at myself really helps me keep things in perspective.
Love that, Theresa! Our failures allow us to extend grace to others. And laughing is great advice. Thanks for sharing.
Ashely, this is such a great post. I have chosen it as my feature this week. Stop by my site tomorrow and get the “I Was Featured” button.
Aimee, that’s so sweet of you! Thank you!
A great reminder – we are covered and washed clean by His blood. Something I took 30 years to learn. Thank you, Lord!
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