Winter can seem unending some years, but spring always comes—and brings beauty and life with it. Here are some scripture reminders of hope for this spring.

Spring, with all its beautiful blooms and new life, always has a way of reviving hope in my heart. The wild beauty from the delicate dogwood blooms to the rich, bright greens of new leaves on the hardwoods pulls my mind to the Creator and His promises.
I love how nature itself reminds me of God’s promises. Paul says in Romans the whole earth is groaning, waiting to be redeemed. Earth reflects God’s glorious redemption every day and every season. The long night gives way to the brightest day. The fiercest storm makes the prettiest rainbow. The long, barren winter succumbs to the fruitful spring.
So with spring’s colorful inspiration, wouldn’t it be nice to take a look at the hope we have in Christ?
Scripture Reminders of Hope for the Spring

Winter can seem long, but spring is all the more beautiful after the dark. The whole earth might groan, but it also reflects the love and hope we have in the blood of Jesus.
What’s your favorite verse of hope for the spring? Share in the comments below.
More reading…
- 5 Simple {Yet Powerful} Verses to Live By This Year from HISsparrowBlog
- 5 Wonderful Verses for Discouragement from HISsparrowBlog
- Fear’s Worst Fear: 9 Verses for the Fight from HISsparrowBlog

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
Isaiah 40:31
Oh, yes. Wonderful encouragement in that one. Thank you for stopping in as always. Love you!
His Word brings hope one verse at a time. These are each and all so uplifting. I am glad you have shared them in such a beautiful way.
Love that, Linda: “His Word brings hope one verse at a time.” Scripture is so full of hope. Thanks so much for dropping by!
Ashley, I love spring too for its reminders of Hope and renewal no matter what the seasons of winter hold for us. Beautiful verses for speaking life into the dry places! Thank you!
Thank you, Donna! Love spring and its promise of hope each year. Thank you for commenting!
I never thought about “seasonal” verses, but we do have them 🙂 Reading Hebrews 10:23 encouraged me today. We can hold firm because He who promised is faithful!
Love that one, Joanne! He is faithful indeed. Thank you for dropping in!
I love spring! And these verses are just perfect… thanks for sharing! 🤗
Thank you, Laura!
These are all such great scriptures! They encourage me to hold on and press forward, in this season and in all others. Thanks for sharing and linking up at Grace and Truth!
Thank you, Lisa! And thank you for the feature this week.
Spring feels like heaven to me – filled with beauty and hope! “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.” Matthew 6:28 Could be a great verse for spring pondering as we see the flowers coming out and are reminded of how the Lord has provided for us throughout the winter.
That’s a wonderful verse, Amy! Love, love, love this: Spring feels like heaven to me…That is so true. Thank you for stopping by!
Yes, indeed, “Winter can seem long, but spring is all the more beautiful after the dark.” Spring always makes me feel so much better, and a big part of it are the colors of spring. Winter can be beautiful but in my part of the world it often looks like mud and sticks. Colorful growth springing up helps my spirits so much!
Your sharing of scripture pops up like flowers raising their heads. Yes, I remember now God said this! Thanks, I needed to hear this again.
I love the colors of spring, too. God’s goodness and creativity are constantly on my mind as I take in all the beauty. I’m so glad you were encouraged by these scriptures. Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love spring I love to watch the seasons change. Spring reminds me of my own rebirth and renewal with Jesus.
That’s a wonderful take-away from spring with all its rebirth, Paula. Thank you so much for stopping by!