HISsparrowBlog is six years old! Let’s celebrate by checking out at your favorite posts so far.

So I just realized that I missed this year’s blogiversary. Wow. Six years. Can you believe it?
It seems like maybe a couple of years have passed since that Sunday sermon when I felt God confirm that he’d given me a job to do—get to it. I’ve learned so much in this time, and it’s been special to see how far I’ve come but, even more, how God has used my inadequate efforts for His glory and to help someone else.
God is that way, isn’t He?
And speaking of inadequate efforts, I thought it’d be fun to look back over the blog and see what posts have been your favorites. These are the most viewed posts since the beginning. I gotta say I’ve been surprised at the top posts each year, and the all-time posts are no exception.
Top Posts on HISsparrowBlog
#10 …
#9 …
#8 …
#7 …
#6 …
#5 …
#4 …
#3 …

#2 …

#1 …

It’s hard to believe six years have passed, but then that’s how life is, isn’t it?
God has used my puny efforts to help others and that’s humbling.
Thank you for your faithful support each year.
Are you surprised by the top posts? Do you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments below.

I frequently link up with the following: Grace & Truth with Embracing the Unexpected, Tell His Story with Jeanne Takenaka, and Let’s Have Coffee with Joanne Viola.
Congratulations!! May our Lord bless you!
Thank you, Sarah!
Hey Ashley! Congrats on 6 years of blogging! I do remember your #4 post, Names and Attributes of Jesus Christ. I did take advantage of your free printables!
Top posts are surprising. For years, my top post was a recipe I shared for a pressure cooker green bean dinner. Finally, another post out-did it, an unremarkable post in every way that was a Simple Woman’s Daybook. You just never know!
You really don’t know! I’m so glad you took advantage of the printables. Thanks so much for stopping in!
Happy Blogiversary Ashley!!! Look at you, 6 years old already and still faithful to God’s call on your life. None of us do it perfectly, but you ARE still seeking to be obedient! These are all great posts, and so interesting to see what resonates with people! Stay strong, and keeping leaning into Jesus dear sister!
Yep, six years old. haha. Thank you so much for your encouragement today!
What a testament to your ministry! So much great content. As a stepmom myself, the things not to say post I know has been so helpful to so many. An often hard road to walk that requires much prayer and thoughtfulness.
I didn’t know you were a fellow stepmom! You’re right to say it involves much prayer and thoughtfulness. Thank you for your wonderful comment today!
Congratulations on your Blogiversary! You have a diverse collection here. I clicked over to 9 Signs of a Critical Spirit. It was good for me to consider. Thanks for giving me that opportunity today.
That article was definitely one of my surprises for this list. I didn’t feel like it was my best work when I posted it, but then I’ve consistently found those are the ones that reach others best. So glad God uses our weakness! Thank you for stopping by!
Love how you unpacked, “Identity in Christ, My name is…” Such a wonderful blog article, especially this,
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6
Happy blog-anniversary!
I love that one, too!
Happy 6th Year Blogiversary, Ashley! It’s good to hear of God’s faithfulness to You and your faithfulness to Him over the past six years. It is interesting to see which posts are the top ten. I look forward to reading the 60+ Names and Attributes of God and Jesus.
Thank you, Lisa!
Happy Blogiversary, Ashley! And may the Lord continue to bless you words, using them to help others and honor HIm.
Thank you!